About the Book
This book describes a project risk management system that :
- Is a more efficient process than you are currently using (25 years’ experience supports this statement!)
- Is managed internally by the project team so no ongoing reliance on expensive consultants
- Applies to the whole project cycle (a common process from concept through to finalisation)
- Enables managers at any level in the organisation to access the information they require at any time
- Improves scope definition and the assessment of contingency
- Improves management of precious capital
All of which will save significant time and costs. This interactive book includes checklists where you can assess the potential savings to you and your organisation solely from adopting this system.
With a more efficient and visible system the management of project specific risks is significantly enhanced by being able to make informed decisions much earlier than would otherwise be the case.
The increased proactive management of project specific risks can result in very large time and cost savings to your project(s).
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What readers are saying
If you have ever sat in a ‘risk workshop’ and thought, there has to be a better way to do this…then have a read. Gavin provides insightful, practical and easily implementable thoughts on effective Risk management which would be applicable to all organisations. Personally, I am implementing the techniques into projects and having an immediate positive impact.
Risk is underrated by many project participants, but I know, having used this system for many years, it always identifies new important risks saving time and money.
I have been brought into the back end of a massive project to help sort out all manner of disputes. Many of these could have been avoided and saved huge amounts of money if risk management been undertaken as outlined in this book. Elsewhere I have been using the system with other Clients for many years. The savings identified in the book were illuminating. Chapter 1 alone will save you thousands. It will certainly save the cost of buying the book many times over.